
Introduction The insurance industry has long struggled with slow, manual claims processing, often bu...
I have a lot of folks who follow me on Twitter for tips about Trello and fun products that I find. S...
They say first impressions matter, and that’s especially true for software. If you’re responsible fo...
Automation is a huge business. Organizations of all sizes now know that automation tools pay massive...
Perhaps you've heard about the importance of task checklists as they tend to decrease errors and imp...
Sometimes there are specific pages where you need aggregated feedback from multiple people to determ...
Automation can be a lifesaver. Whether you’re cutting out months of data entry, eliminating the need...
Jira is a global project management software that originally started as a bug and issue tracker for ...
Searching things on Twitter is a huge part of the platform. It’s how you stay up to date on breaking...
Start building low-code mods for your web apps with PixieBrix. Explore all the possibilities so you can work better, your way.