If you need to search for a specific word or phrase in a block of text, PixieBrix has a mod that can...

If you need to search for a specific word or phrase in a block of text, PixieBrix has a mod that can...
In 1973 Larry Tesler invented the concepts of "cut," "copy" and "paste" at Xerox’s Palo Alto Researc...
The old email inbox can get a bit overwhelming. Between essential project updates from your team, th...
Zendesk is a popular customer service software used by businesses around the world. It offers a rang...
I found an article from Toast explaining how to debug issues with a card reader. It was a series of ...
How much of your day is taken up by repetitive work? An hour? A few hours?
In recent years, the rise of AI-generated content has been staggering. For instance, OpenAI's GPT-3 ...
Not many people think of Google Sheets as an exciting app, let alone one that can help you save time...
YouTube is a great platform. You can learn a new skill, connect with your favorite creator, distract...
Taking an RPA certification exam might seem daunting. There are so many to choose from. And all of t...
Start building low-code mods for your web apps with PixieBrix. Explore all the possibilities so you can work better, your way.